Thursday, January 17, 2008

Out Of Focus

I am still at that point in life, rather latently, at which I am trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Today, my very good friend Glen read some of my writing - a journal post for one of my current classes. He believes that my true talent lies in expressing my thoughts through the written word. I love to write, but my problem is that I have no idea where to begin. I am a proverbial jack-of-all-trades. I know a little about a lot, but not a lot about one little thing. I've decided that my writing must be centered around something I enjoy, so I decided to write a list of those things:

the Middle East
the Old West

How can I combine those things in order to come up with a viable topic? Let's see...

Middle Eastern Chihuahuas? That's weird.

Teaching horses how to paint? That's weirder.

I know: Going to the Old West to learn from a chihuahua how to paint using chocolate.

And better yet: Starting my own religion in which Middle Eastern horses worship Chihuahuas made out of chocolate.

So much for focus...

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